
All Rogers Helicopters mechanics are FAA certified Airframe and Powerplant mechanics. The majority of our pilots are ex-military and many are factory trained by the aircraft manufacturer on the various types of helicopters Rogers operates. Our mechanics have an average of 12 years of field experience maintaining helicopters and have experience maintaining, overhauling, and inspecting the Rogers fleet.

Each pilot employed by Rogers hold FAA Commercial and Instrument Certificates. The minimum qualifications for our pilots are 2500 flight hours of verifiable helicopter flight time, but the average level of experience is 3500 hours. Each pilot must complete annual ground, flight training, and evaluations in accordance with the FAR’s and FAA requirements for medical flight currency, state, and federal government certification.


Rogers Helicopters provides extensive, precision training in compliance with the Federal Aviation Administration requirements.


Rogers was the first FAA approved helicopter company to incorporate the CTS (Computer Training System) into the ground training procedures. All pilots must complete the program annually. The program covers all phases of required subjects and is aircraft specific. The Chief Pilot and Safety Officer conduct ground schools annually to each pilot. Part 133, 135, 137, and USFS and OAS operational procedures are the required courses.


Flight training is performed annually to each pilot and is aircraft specific. Training covers Part 133 External Load, Part 135 Air Taxi, Mountain flying, Powerline Patrol, Powerline Construction, Rappel, Wire Strike Avoidance.